The other night I dreamt about my wife. It's actually very rare for me to dream about my wife. I guess because my dreams came true when I met her.
In this dream my wife got a tattoo on her back between her shoulders of a pale blue symbol for the Greek letter Omega. I don't know if it was because of the tattoo or she got one because she had to but either way in the dream she was made a Blue Lantern.
For those of you who don't follow comics the Blue Lanterns are pacifist versions of the Green Lanterns.
My wife chose not to wear the Blue Lantern costume though. In real life she doesn't do costumes.
The tattoo parlor had a mirror that I could look directly in and see my back and the tattoo was perfect. Unfortunately I woke up before I could get my Green Lantern ring.
If I ever were to get a Green Lantern power ring in my dreams and have and look and function the way it does in the comics I would never want to wake up.