Thursday, March 24, 2011

Alternate Universe


Over the weekend I had two very intense dreams.

In the first one an alternate universe had been discovered along with a way to travel to it.

I was one of a handful of civilians picked to take a tour of the new universe.

On the alternate Earth we were taken to a beach where archaeologists were excavating. It appeared that this Earth was not inhabited.

The beaches were covered with multicolored sand like you would see in one of those sand art bottles but the changes in color were much more subtle than that.

When we got back to our Earth it seems that we were followed by super powered beings. (I read too many comics) They didn't look like your normal invading horde and they were very polite. Polite or not they were still trying to take over.

While on the other Earth we were given weapons to fend off any threats. They looked like small Bic lighters that shot a fluid that looked like water. The weapons did not work on either Earth. I would spray the super powered beings with the fluid and they would politely ask me to stop. That makes it sound like the alternate Earth was just a super powered Canada.

The second dream will be in the next post.

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