Thursday, September 30, 2010

Return of the Lost Love


I dreamt about my "Lost Love" again. I don't know what's up with that lately.

Anyway the dream took place "back in the day". We were basically back in our late teens/early 20s. In this alternate history we were finally able to get together romantically and in this scenario we were on the verge of consummating the relationship.

In our little circle this would have been considered a big deal since she had a reputation of being so virginal. She was the antithesis of a slut. But back to the dream.

It took place in my bedroom of the house that I grew up in which is historically accurate for the time period. She was laying in my bed fully clothed. I was just getting ready to undress her. This was going to the culmination of a years long desire. It felt like Christmas, my birthday and a Bar Mitzvah rolled into one and she was the ultimate present for me to unwrap. Even though the big moment was only mere seconds away I kept imagining what she would look like undressed in my bed.

Then like a bad sitcom things kept happening to keep me from her. I couldn't remember what exactly was interrupting us but something kept happening over and over again to keep us apart.

She was being so patient and understanding but just like in real life the moment never came as I woke up.

Again, I take no stock in these dreams. They are nothing more than a nice diversion. I'm sure right now she's happy and comfortable in her own life. I wouldn't mind saying hi but that would be pretty much it.

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