Sunday, September 5, 2010

Can't stay awake

My body is betraying me. Not in the 'I'm getting older' kind of way. More like in the 'I hate you and I'm going to get you fired' kind of way.

The other day at work they addressed us about our work performance and it was mentioned that some people had been noticed nodding off during training. By 'some people' I know they were talking about me.

It's a problem I've had since I was in high school. If I am not busy with work and sitting idle my body will try to shut down and go to sleep no matter where I am and no amount of caffeine can fix that.

One night I got a really good night's sleep, got to work in plenty of time and the fear of God instilled in me about nodding off. Yet none of that convinced my body to stay conscious.

I had a large Coke from a fast food joint that I stopped at on the way in to work. Then after I got to work I had a 16 oz. Pepsi, a 12 oz. Diet coke, a 12 oz. Mountain Dew and a bag of cookies. Yet my eyes still want to close. My spine keeps forcing me to put my head on my desk. My muscles still ache with fatigue.

If I were to lose my job over sleeping it would be the end of me.

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